Know someone who needs a lift? Brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in. Gorgeous white roses, purple alstroemeria, lavender waxflower and eucalyptus are perfectly arranged in a white basket. Perfectly sweet!
• This arrangement will be hand designed and delivered by a local florist.
• An appropriate gift sent from a family member, friend, or business associate.
• Appropriate to send directly to the funeral home or to the family's residence.
• Arrangement measures approximately 14 1/2" W x 12 1/2" H.
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We're sorry, we need you to make the following change(s).
All of our flowers are designed and delivered by hand from a local florist.
Delivery Policy:
Place your order before 2:00 PM Monday - Friday, or by 12:00 PM Noon on Saturday and Sunday, in the recipient's time zone and we can have your flowers delivered the very same day! (Note that same-day delivery may not be available during peak holiday times or in adverse weather conditions).
Our florists use only the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary. In the event that there is a substitution, the florist will only use flowers of equal or greater value.
Quality Guarantee:
Our local florist provide not only the flowers, but the experience. Receiving flowers personally delivered by a florist provides a truly special and memorable moment for the special person in your life.
We use only top quality florists. Our network of florists, is second to none. We carefully screen our florists for artistic quality and level of service. We maintain stringent standards and quality control with our member florists.